I would like to welcome all the teams who are joining us for our Mini’s Festival 2019, particularly those that are returning to this annual event – we hugely value and appreciate all of your support.
As you may recall the weather was less than kind to us last year so we will be doing our “sun dance” in the lead up to this years Festival and hope the weather gods will be significantly kinder to us this year?!
This is my first year as Mini’s Chairman and as anyone who has been involved in organising events such as this, you will know it is truly a Team effort. Accordingly I would like to thank the army of volunteers that have enabled this Festival to happen. A few key mentions must go to our U12 age group who have organised this event with Ian Ross leading the charge on this. Also a huge thanks to Liz Bradshaw & Derek Wallace for their invaluable input.
We are fortunate to have the much appreciated support of our awesome Sponsors, so a Huge Thanks to all of them, particularly IBB Law who are the main Festival Sponsor. We are an inclusive club at A&C and love the life skills this great game provides to all those that get involved. We support Teamwork, Respect, Enjoyment, Discipline and Sportsmanship and hope that every player, coach, & supporter has a great Festival played in good spirit, with positive support.
Enjoy the day, Enjoy the array of food that is available and may I wish every team the very best of luck!! Above all... lets ensure we all HAVE FUN!!
Ian Shaw,
Chairman, Minis Rugby, Amersham and Chiltern Rugby Club.
A copy of the festival programme is available on the club website for members.